9 08 2009

Peter piper pizza time with the family

9 08 2009

Thinking about picking up some rechargeable wireless headphones –

9 08 2009

Is this worth a 2 yr contract?
http://ping.fm/p/1Kw7L – Is this worth a 2 yr contract?

9 08 2009

Boondoggle first time I heard this used in a sentence

8 08 2009

Scottsdale Just saw a guy wearing parachute pants tucked into his boots

8 08 2009

A better link of the Asus netbook – http://ping.fm/2PIHr

8 08 2009

Thinking about jumping on the band wagon and get an Asus 1005HA
netbook w/2GB RAM upgrade


8 08 2009

Deep Fried Pickles (Hooters, AL) [PIC] – http://flic.kr/p/6MNPEc

8 08 2009

The Mega Guide to Free SQL Server Tools – http://ping.fm/xgNvS

8 08 2009

Just landed in PHX