30 08 2009

Time to get the muscle on… LA Fitness here I come.

30 08 2009

Back up and at em!

29 08 2009

time to get my muscle on like “DJ Qualls” pic – http://bit.ly/QD5WE

28 08 2009

Wrote my 2nd Google Knol about sending SMS/MMS msgs via email and provided validated transit addresses… very simple! http://bit.ly/TNuI

28 08 2009

Started the day bright and early at 5:30 making some final touch-ups on my Admin document! New phone should arrive this afternoon.

27 08 2009

Success! The #VBS script is complete. Now I must be patient and let automate
#GIS sync take its course. Time to monitor!

27 08 2009

Hotness…I figured out the issue with my vbs script. Now on to the GIS

26 08 2009

I find myself using #Facebook & #Flickr more then any other #SocialNetworking sites #GetSocial making bacon boom goes the dynamite

25 08 2009

For those of us who need a TARGET when handling our business at the toilet
or urinal – http://bit.ly/3afFsW

25 08 2009

Just got a nintendo wii, sensor bar, 2 controllers 2 chucks & 3 games $180 #score